Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Life Must Go On

Thanks to all of you for your encouragement! I almost turned off the comments last post, I was in such a funk, I didn't know if I even wanted encouragement, I wanted to feel sad and sorry for myself for a while. Somehow, each of your comments found me just when I needed to hear them! Heavenly Father works in mysterious ways--even through blogs! THANKS!!!

Well, the first few days weren't too bad! Yesterday, was not good however! It was a very difficult day. I am sure the kids are trying me, and testing the limits. It was HARD. We talked at FHE about what we can do to be happier and kinder people. I know I needed the pep talk just as much as each of them. I have to find more patience, and more understanding somehow.

Me yesterday!

Getting going and getting places on time has been so difficult (that has always been a challenge for me--but not usually with the kids). Maddie doesn't want to go to school. Michael keeps trying to squish Liz in the garage door. ARRRRGGGHH!!! Any suggestions? I keep thinking about something my Mom always says "when kids are the hardest to love they need the most love." I am sure that is true!

An update on the Major--Brad is still at CRC at Ft. Benning, Georgia. He has been issued all sorts of ARMY goodies, he just has to figure out how to pack them all into 4 bags--this will require divine intervention he says. He will be heading to Kuwait Friday, then on to Qalat a mere 7400 miles. He will be supporting the 101st Airborne Division. Of course, his type A personality is having a hard time with the inefficiency and mundane tasks at CRC. But, he has met up with some old friends ie Dirk Slade from Medical School, and then friends from residency and some from here. The address I have for him seems sort of sketchy--you know lots of letters and random numbers--so when I get confirmation I'll pass that along to you all. I know he would love to hear from you!

We appreciate and are grateful for your thoughts and prayers!


Amy Peterson said...

I looked like the cat yesterday too! Life is challenging sometimes! But a good bath can change a lot, my mother-in-law gave me great advise one day she said no matter how bad you feel get up and get ready it makes a huge difference. I have also found that you need to compile a happy song list and play them over and over! It really does help!

somebodysmom said...

I'm all with Amy and the happy songs. The year you were born my mom had just passed away from a long illness. I was 26 years old and feeling pretty cheated. Your Dad loved Roger Williams as a singer. He had an album that had some really wonderful up beat music on it (Baby Lady) (The Fourth of July Song). Every morning I got up, and had to drag myself out of bed. I would put the songs on and by the 30 minutes it took to play side one (pretty prehistoric) I was feeling like life was worth living. I swear I sat in a rocking chair holding you and cried for 3 months. If I didn't have you I would probably still be in bed feeling sorry for myself. I love you so much. Maybe you should come here for Thanksgiving and just stay until Christmas. I have a ton of FB points on Alaska.

James said...

hahahaha, that cat made me roll on the floor. I am still laughing about it. I understand the trying to squish each other under the garage door. Things like that seem to happen on a daily basis between the twins. Up until now they haven't involved dude 3.0 (Jace), but I am sure it is coming soon. We sure do love you guys and pray for you guys. Let us know if we can do anything to help.

Amy Peterson said...

I want pictures of the snow!