Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

I laughed so hard the first time I saw it I almost peed my pants. But, wow, that's totally how I felt this year.

If you live in Alaska during the summer and the sun is shinning you've got to be outside playing even if it's 1 am! We take full advantage of the sunlight and soak it in at all hours of the day and night. It's nice to not have any sort of schedule and enjoy staying up late and playing all night long, however, I must admit I felt a little like the Staples Dad this year! I love the order school brings. I love knowing there's a schedule for each day and a plan to do some sleeping. Order and peace has once again been restored to the Matthews' universe with the introduction of a new school year. YEAH!!!!

OKAY it's not all good. My baby started Kindergarten.

In front of the school after her assessment day. A long day,
I locked my keys in the car (enough said.)

Yes, I shed a few tears, luckily my friend Tara saw me and side tracked me in conversation. I have 4 1/2 hours of freedom everyday--can you believe it? Any suggestions--what should I do? Just kidding. I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off the last few days--trying to help a lady I visit teach, helping with the missionary zone conf. lunch and watching my BF's kids while she parties in Hawaii, not to mention soccer games, gymnastics, sharing times and oh yeah, getting ready for the infamous Primary Program. Good thing I am always happier when I am busy.

Back to the kids! They are all pleased as punch with school thus far. They came home fighting the first day saying "My teachers the best", "No, my teachers the best". I am so glad they are all happy and love learning.

So here's to order, organization and the most wonderful time of the year!


Randi said...

Your kids are SO cute! And you're a wonderful photographer. Love the flowers in the background. (Are those zinnias? Mine won't grow. I'm so mad about it!)

It's amazing how fast that school time fills up, isn't it? I used to say that once my kids were in school my closets would be clean.

Yeah, right. There's always something. At least it's usually a good something.

Amy Peterson said...

Happy Day for all kids a school! I just can't wait and I have years to go! Ahhh- sounds like you are super busy I wish I was closer so I could help. Please let me know if I can do anything.

Amy Peterson said...

how did you get the "secret word" thing to stop?

Heather said...

Hey Christy- You are a free Momma!
How is it possible your kids are so old? I still see little three year old Micheal in his face. He is a handsome guy! Congrats on your 14 years and your Beef Wellington. I am impressed. It is so fun to see what you guys are up to. Sara Palin eh- Alaska is in the limelight.

Christy Matthews said...

Hey heather, did you take down your blog? I couldn't find it, email me with your address. Yeah, can you believe that Alaskan women!

Christy Matthews said...

Thanks Randi! No, those are Dahlia. I love them, they were supposed to be huge but we didn't get any real sun until the last 2 weeks so they are stunted a bit. I planted 30 other bulbs all calla lilies and not a single one of them came up. ARRRGHHHH Home Depot!!!

somebodysmom said...

What great kids. Be prepared to shed a few more tears. Wait until your baby graduates from high school or better yet when you baby has a baby. No body warned me - it was a big surprise those last 2 times. Just a word about kindergarten It sees like you drop kids of, get busy doing something and then it's time to pick them up I much prefer the all day thing when you actually can get something done.

Tami Vincent said...

I cant believe they are all in school. They look so cute. My girls said to me today as we were shopping for school clothes "could we please not spend any money buy tickets to Alaska and go visit Madi, and Lizzy?" I said sure but that you guys probably did not want to see us without clothes on.

Amy Peterson said...

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